108P/Ciffreo (2014)

Japanese version
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Updated on July 20, 2015


* Profile

* Pictures

* Orbital Elements

Epoch 2014 May 23.0 TT = JDT 2456800.5
T 2014 Oct. 18.40008 TT                                 MPC
q   1.7088710            (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.13623000     Peri.  358.06488     +0.61857234     -0.76422479
a   3.7407114      Node    53.67154     +0.72390081     +0.46395999
e   0.5431695      Incl.   13.09734     +0.30550920     +0.44799731
P   7.23
From 128 observations 1992 Aug. 26-2014 Aug. 6, mean residual 0".7.
     Nongravitational parameters A1 = +0.08, A2 = -0.0277.

* Finding Charts

* Magnitudes Graph

        m1 = 9.0 + 5 log d + 25.0 log r


The orbital elements are published on M.P.E.C. 2014-P41.
The charts are made with StellaNavigator Ver.8 (AstroArts).
The magnitudes graphs are made with Comet for Windows.


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.