C/1861 J1 ( Great comet )

Japanese version
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Updated on November 12, 2002


* Returns and Appearances

!Discovered *Appeared -Not observed #Appeared before discovery +Not observed before discovery .Returns in the future
2265 Dec. 6
! C/1861 J1
1861 June 12
# C/1500 H1
1500 Apr. 20
1110 June 4
695 Oct. 16
260 Jan. 8
-141 Jan. 5


The identification is pointed out by Ichiro Hasegawa and Syuichi Nakano.
The perihelion dates are calculated by Ichiro Hasegawa and Syuichi Nakano.
Periodic Comets Found in Historical Records
Hasegawa I., Nakano S., 1995, PASJ 47, 699-710


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.