Not observed
Appeared before discovery
Not observed before discovery
Returns in the future
2026 Sept.19
2019 Feb. 17
2011 Sept.15
2004 Feb. 12
1996 July 15
1989 Feb. 11
1982 Jan. 2
1974 Nov. 10
1967 Sept.12
1960 July 13
1953 July 4
1946 Mar. 27
1938 Dec. 18
1931 Sept. 7
1924 May 26
1917 Apr. 27
1910 Jan. 31
1902 Nov. 7
D/1895 Q1
1895 Aug. 21
The perihelion dates in the past appearances are printed on Catalog of Cometary Orbits 1996.
The perihelion dates since 1902 are calculated by Kazuo Kinoshita (
Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida ( All rights reserved.