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Updated on February 12, 2006 |
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軌道要素Perihelion time T (ET)..................... 1996 Nov 11.84831 +/- 0.00061 Argument of perihelion omega (deg)......... 18.759 +/- 0.064 Longitude of ascending node Omega (deg).... 86.271 +/- 0.077 Orbital inclination i (deg)................ 34.440 +/- 0.033 Perihelion distance q (AU)................. 0.051706 +/- 0.000089 Orbital eccentricity e..................... 0.984347 +/- 0.000027 Orbital period P (yr)...................... 6.00 Longitude of perihelion L_pi (deg)......... 101.918 Latitude of perihelion B_pi (deg).......... +10.479 Osculation epoch (ET)...................... 1996 Nov 13.0 Observations used: Number from C2 images.................... 17 Number from C3 images.................... 3 Period of time covered................... 1996 Nov 12-2002 Nov 12 Time interval (days)..................... 2191 Weighted rms residual (arcsec)........... +/-3.17
軌道要素は Sekanina, Z., & Chodas, P. W. 2005, ApJ, 161, 551-586 に掲載されたもの。