Weekly Information about Bright Comets (2024 Nov. 30: South)

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Updated on November 30, 2024
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Best time and the azimuth, altitude (A,h) are at lat. 35 deg in the Southern Hemisphere.
Azimuth indicates 0 for south, 90 for west, 180 for north, 270 for east.


* C/2023 A3 ( Tsuchinshan-ATLAS )

It brightened up to -3 mag due to the forward scattering on Oct. 9 in the SOHO coronagraph images (Q.-c. Zhang, Charles S. Morris). It became a great comet of 0 mag on the ground. Now it is 8.9 mag (Nov. 28, Virgilio Gonano). Fading rapidly. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be unobservable in January. But it will be observable again in January. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in March.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  19  6.36    4 26.9   1.929   1.455    47    8.6  20:41 ( 92, -5)  
Dec.  7  19 15.39    4 44.1   2.129   1.574    43    9.1  20:49 ( 88,-11)  


Brightening rapidly. It is expected to brighten up to 10 mag until Decemebr. Now it is 11.9 mag (Nov. 23, Katsumi Yoshimoto). It will turn to fade out rapidly after the peak. It will be fainter than 18 mag in March. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will never be observable after this.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  12 14.55   38  7.4   0.636   1.113    83    9.9   2:56 (229, -7)  
Dec.  7  13 42.01   56 33.7   0.547   1.118    88    9.6   2:53 (218,-26)  

* C/2024 G3 ( ATLAS )

It approaches to Sun down to 0.09 a.u. on Jan. 13. According to the calculation, it will brighten up to -1 mag. But probably, it will be disintegrated. At the high light, it may be observable after the perihelion passage only in the Southern Hemisphere. Now it is 10.0 mag (Nov. 28, Michael Mattiazzo). It brightens up to -1 mag, but it will turn to fade out rapidly after that. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will never be observable after this. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be unobservable in December.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  15 51.48  -40 56.0   2.170   1.293    20   11.8   2:56 (322,  1)  
Dec.  7  16  8.64  -39 42.3   2.023   1.145    19   11.1   2:53 (320,  1)  

* 13P/Olbers

It returned for the first time in 68 years. It brightened up to 6.2 mag in early summer (July 1, Virgilio Gonano). Now it is 10.1 mag (Nov. 10, Mike Olason). Fading gradually. Now it is not observable. It will appear in January.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  16 37.67  -11 17.8   3.387   2.425    10   11.5  20:41 ( 55,-24)  
Dec.  7  16 49.20  -12 25.2   3.462   2.499    10   11.7   2:53 (308,-25)  

* C/2024 S1 ( ATLAS )

Bright new Kreutz sungrazer comet. Large outburst occured on Oct. 18 and it brightened up to 8.2 mag (Oct. 20, Martin Masek). It approached to Sun down to 0.008 a.u. on Oct. 28. It was expected to brighten up to 2 mag, or -4.5 mag at best. However, it completely disappered at the perihelion. It is appearing in the morning sky, but probably nothing remains.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  11  4.69  -36  0.1   0.959   1.111    69   12.3   2:56 (288, 47)  
Dec.  7  10 25.11  -39 27.5   0.959   1.266    81   12.7   2:53 (290, 60)  

* C/2022 E2 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 12.9 mag (Nov. 28, Osamu Miyazaki). Fading slowly. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   4 54.19   68 17.1   2.986   3.731   133   12.6   0:22 (180,-13)  
Dec.  7   4 11.65   68 23.3   2.993   3.743   133   12.6  23:03 (180,-13)  

* C/2023 C2 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 13.4 mag (Oct. 31, Thomas Lehmann). It stays 14 mag for a while. It will be unobservable in January in the Northern Hemisphere, or in December in the Southern Hemisphere. But it will be observable again in March.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  19 14.42  -20 52.9   3.051   2.373    39   13.2  20:41 ( 72, 11)  
Dec.  7  19 26.81  -18 58.3   3.110   2.379    35   13.2  20:49 ( 71,  5)  

* 12P/Pons-Brooks

It returns for the first time in 70 years. It brightened up to 3.7 mag in early April (Apr. 6, Jose Guilherme Aguiar). Now it is 14.6 mag (Oct. 22, Hidetaka Sato). Fading slowly. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in February. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere. But it will become high in winter.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  15 46.18  -47 45.1   4.172   3.326    27   13.3   2:56 (326,  7)  
Dec.  7  15 57.19  -47 50.2   4.243   3.402    27   13.4   2:53 (324,  9)  

* C/2024 M1 ( ATLAS )

It is expected to brighten up to 13.5 mag, and it will be observable in good condition in winter. Now it is 14.8 mag (Nov. 25, Ken-ichi Kadota). It will fade out rapidly after this. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually after this, and it will be unobservable in January.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   5 29.77    5  5.7   0.756   1.708   157   13.7   0:56 (180, 50)  
Dec.  7   4 59.73   13 45.9   0.737   1.717   171   13.7  23:50 (180, 40)  

* 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

Major outburst occured between Nov. 1 and 2. Another outburst occured in late November. Now it is 11.6 mag (Nov. 28, Juan Jose Gonzalez). It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  10 11.98    9 18.1   6.061   6.247    96   13.9   2:56 (228, 32)  
Dec.  7  10 12.70    9  7.3   5.949   6.248   103   13.8   2:53 (223, 35)  

* C/2022 QE78 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 14.9 mag (Nov. 3, Hiroshi Abe). It stays 14 mag for a while. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   6 42.80    3 21.5   5.054   5.861   141   14.3   2:07 (180, 52)  
Dec.  7   6 40.62    3 36.4   4.983   5.843   148   14.2   1:38 (180, 51)  

* C/2024 B1 ( Lemmon )

It became much brighter than expected. Now it is 13.1 mag (Nov. 1, Thomas Lehmann). It will fade out rapidly after this. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be getting higher gradually. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in February.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  15 57.31   29  9.2   2.226   1.782    51   14.3   2:56 (262,-45)  
Dec.  7  16 14.62   26 52.7   2.282   1.821    50   14.5   2:53 (264,-42)  

* C/2021 G2 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 14.1 mag (Aug. 29, Chris Wyatt). It stays 14 mag for a while. It locates somewhat low in the Northern Hemisphere. But it will become high in winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in December.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  14 31.81  -19 19.0   5.885   5.022    26   14.4   2:56 (294, -1)  
Dec.  7  14 38.60  -19 17.9   5.838   5.029    31   14.3   2:53 (292,  3)  

* C/2022 N2 ( PanSTARRS )

It is expected to brighten up to 13 mag in 2025 autumn, and it will be observable in good condition. Now it is 14.6 mag (Nov. 19, Ken-ichi Kadota). It stays 15 mag for a while. It will be getting lower gradually after this, and it will be unobservable in February in the Southern Hemisphere, or in March in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  22 43.20   -4 40.8   4.218   4.375    92   14.5  20:41 (121, 43)  
Dec.  7  22 46.69   -4 19.3   4.295   4.346    86   14.5  20:49 (114, 37)  

* 37P/Forbes

Now it is 12.5 mag (Nov. 20, Mike Olason). It will fade out rapidly after this. It will be fainter than 18 mag in March. It will be unobservable in January in the Southern Hemisphere, or in February in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  19 27.37  -22  4.2   2.284   1.690    42   14.7  20:41 ( 73, 14)  
Dec.  7  19 48.32  -20 49.3   2.341   1.710    40   14.9  20:49 ( 72, 11)  

* 487P/2024 N5 ( Siding Spring )

First return of a new periodic comet which brightened up to 16 mag in 2012. Now it is 14.7 mag (Nov. 13, ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala). It will fade out rapidly after this. It will be fainter than 18 mag in February. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be unobservable in December.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   3 37.58   47 48.1   0.931   1.861   152   14.8  22:58 (180,  7)  
Dec.  7   3 20.73   50 24.9   0.976   1.879   146   15.0  22:14 (180,  4)  

* C/2023 Q1 ( PanSTARRS )

Now it is 16.0 mag (Nov. 23, Ken-ichi Kadota). It stays 16 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   8 33.30   72 42.8   1.952   2.576   118   15.1   2:56 (185,-18)  
Dec.  7   8 40.94   73 42.7   1.929   2.576   120   15.0   2:53 (183,-19)  

* P/2023 S1

Now it is 15.8 mag (Nov. 4, Thomas Lehmann). It stays 15 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   9 15.64   20 28.9   2.128   2.670   112   15.2   2:56 (208, 29)  
Dec.  7   9 18.33   20  6.1   2.039   2.662   119   15.1   2:53 (203, 32)  

* C/2021 S3 ( PanSTARRS )

It brightened up to 9.6 mag from February to March (Feb. 25, Thomas Lehmann). Now it is 14.7 mag (Nov. 3, Thomas Lehmann). Fading slowly. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually. But it will be getting higher again after March. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  20 39.70   34  0.3   3.923   3.914    82   15.1  20:41 (129, -5)  
Dec.  7  20 48.48   33 11.9   4.057   3.984    78   15.2  20:49 (125, -9)  

* C/2024 J2 ( Wierzchos )

Brightening rapidly. Now it is 14.9 mag (Nov. 19, Ken-ichi Kadota). Brightening slowly. It locates somewhat low in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now. It will brighten up to 14 mag from winter to spring. But it is not observable at the high light.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  17 25.66   35 23.0   2.616   2.268    58   15.4  20:41 (109,-40)  
Dec.  7  17 48.67   34 50.3   2.562   2.218    58   15.2  20:49 (108,-43)  

* C/2014 UN271 ( Bernardinelli-Bernstein )

Very large comet. It is expected to brighten up to 13 mag in 2031. Now it is 15.3 mag (Nov. 10, Thomas Lehmann). It stays 15 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable now. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable until 2030.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   3 54.09  -70 48.9  15.711  15.697    87   15.4  23:13 (  0, 54)  
Dec.  7   3 50.12  -70 48.7  15.713  15.673    85   15.4  22:42 (  0, 54)  

* 472P/2023 RL75 ( NEAT-LINEAR )

Now it is 15.7 mag (Nov. 13, ATLAS Chile). Fading slowly. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   6 38.00   10  3.1   2.663   3.524   145   15.6   2:03 (180, 45)  
Dec.  7   6 35.06    9 45.5   2.632   3.537   152   15.5   1:32 (180, 45)  

* 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

Now it is 18.2 mag (Oct. 13, F. Kugel, J. Nicolas). It will brighten rapidly after this. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be unobservable in December. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now. It will brighten up to 10 mag in 2025 spring. But the condition of this apparition is bad. It is not observable when the comet is bright.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  17 33.84   -2 24.8   2.651   1.812    25   15.9  20:41 ( 72,-20)  
Dec.  7  17 51.01   -2 44.5   2.600   1.747    24   15.5  20:49 ( 69,-23)  

* C/2017 K2 ( PanSTARRS )

It brightened up to 8 mag from 2022 summer to 2023 spring. Now it is 15.6 mag (Nov. 11, ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala). It stays 16 mag for a while. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   6  4.78   20  5.6   6.472   7.388   156   15.6   1:30 (180, 35)  
Dec.  7   6  0.38   20 21.2   6.488   7.442   164   15.6   0:58 (180, 35)  

* C/2024 A1 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 16.4 mag (Nov. 11, Ken-ichi Kadota). It stays 15 mag for a while. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   8  5.79  -26 40.8   3.823   4.231   107   15.7   2:56 (224, 79)  
Dec.  7   8  0.63  -26 20.6   3.716   4.208   113   15.6   2:53 (186, 81)  

* 43P/Wolf-Harrington

Now it is 16.0 mag (Nov. 20, Katsumi Yoshimoto). It stays 16 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   1 43.77   16  4.1   2.151   2.988   141   15.7  21:05 (180, 39)  
Dec.  7   1 42.11   15 27.1   2.191   2.962   134   15.7  20:49 (176, 39)  

* 130P/McNaught-Hughes

Now it is 15.3 mag (Nov. 6, Toshihiko Ikemura, Hirohisa Sato). It will fade out rapidly after this. It will be fainter than 18 mag in February. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   1 50.37    6 51.5   1.743   2.577   139   15.7  21:12 (180, 48)  
Dec.  7   1 49.07    7  9.5   1.840   2.611   132   15.9  20:49 (178, 48)  

* C/2023 H5 ( Lemmon )

It will be observable at 15 mag for a long time in 2025 in the Northern Hemisphere. Now it is 16.5 mag (Nov. 12, ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala). It stays 16 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in December.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  12  8.09   29 54.1   4.716   4.653    80   15.9   2:56 (234, -2)  
Dec.  7  12 12.42   31 17.0   4.587   4.632    86   15.8   2:53 (230,  1)  

* C/2023 R2 ( PanSTARRS )

Fading gradually. It will be fainter than 18 mag in February. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be unobservable in January. But it will be observable again in January. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will never be observable after this.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  17  4.21   -2 57.7   2.897   2.008    20   15.8  20:41 ( 67,-25)  
Dec.  7  17 20.18   -2 49.8   2.989   2.097    20   16.1  20:49 ( 63,-29)  

* C/2020 V2 ( ZTF )

It was observed at 9-10 mag for a long time in 2023. Now it is 15.8 mag (Nov. 14, ATLAS Chile). It stays 16 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will never be observable after this. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually. But it will be getting higher again after February.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  20 54.38  -64  5.0   6.540   6.120    60   15.9  20:41 ( 32, 41)  
Dec.  7  20 56.57  -63 26.6   6.660   6.175    56   16.0  20:49 ( 33, 38)  

* C/2022 R6 ( PanSTARRS )

Now it is 16.4 mag (Nov. 12, ATLAS Chile). It stays 16 mag for a while. It locates somewhat low in the Northern Hemisphere. But it will become high in autumn. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   7  7.20  -30 37.1   6.337   6.810   114   16.0   2:31 (180, 86)  
Dec.  7   7  5.26  -30 44.8   6.277   6.798   118   16.0   2:02 (180, 86)  

* 30P/Reinmuth 1

Now it is 16.5 mag (Nov. 2, Martin Masek). It stays 16 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting higher gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  13 10.39   -1 30.0   2.508   2.042    51   16.0   2:56 (268,  5)  
Dec.  7  13 23.80   -2 31.1   2.473   2.071    54   16.1   2:53 (267,  8)  

* C/2019 U5 ( PanSTARRS )

Now it is 15.8 mag (Nov. 6, ATLAS Chile). It stays 17 mag for a while. It stays extremely low in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   7 14.21  -49 57.5   6.094   6.327    99   16.0   2:38 (  0, 75)  
Dec.  7   7  5.13  -50 34.3   6.103   6.371   101   16.1   2:02 (  0, 74)  

* 305P/Skiff

Now it is 16.8 mag (Oct. 31, Thomas Lehmann). Fading gradually. It will be fainter than 18 mag in March. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  23 34.11    6 23.5   0.765   1.427   108   16.1  20:41 (144, 42)  
Dec.  7  23 56.15    6 27.4   0.804   1.439   106   16.1  20:49 (140, 40)  

* (3200) Phaethon

Parent asteroid of Geminids meteor shower. Now it is 16.3 mag (Nov. 21, Katsumi Yoshimoto). Brightening gradually. It will be unobservable in March.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   3 29.35   36 53.4   0.935   1.894   160   16.2  22:49 (180, 18)  
Dec.  7   3  2.54   34 34.5   0.907   1.839   152   16.2  21:54 (180, 21)  

* 496P/2024 S3 ( Hill )

First return of a new periodic comet which brightened up to 15 mag in 2010. It is expected to brighten up to 15 mag from winter to spring, and it will be observable in excellent condition in the Northern Hemisphere. Now it is 17.2 mag (Nov. 22, Katsumi Yoshimoto). Brightening slowly. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   2 22.68    7 55.1   1.072   1.977   147   16.4  21:44 (180, 47)  
Dec.  7   2 17.64    9  4.9   1.074   1.935   139   16.2  21:11 (180, 46)  

* C/2023 T3 ( Fuls )

Now it is 16.8 mag (May 18, ATLAS South Africa). It stays 16 mag for a while. It locates somewhat low in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  12 13.10  -25 53.2   4.023   3.585    57   16.3   2:56 (282, 30)  
Dec.  7  12 21.54  -26 59.8   3.941   3.577    61   16.2   2:53 (282, 34)  

* C/2019 L3 ( ATLAS )

It brightened up to 8.3 mag in 2021-2022 winter (Jan. 6, 2022, Toshiyuki Takahashi). Now it is 15.1 mag (Aug. 2, Thomas Lehmann). It stays 17 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will never be observable after this. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  12 28.33  -53  1.5   9.707   9.168    54   16.5   2:56 (314, 36)  
Dec.  7  12 31.39  -53 41.5   9.699   9.212    57   16.5   2:53 (314, 40)  

* C/2023 F3 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 16.5 mag (June 6, Giuseppe Pappa). It stays 16 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in December. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting higher gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  13 43.64  -41 41.1   5.941   5.214    39   16.5   2:56 (307, 20)  
Dec.  7  13 44.18  -42 12.5   5.871   5.209    44   16.5   2:53 (306, 25)  

* C/2022 L2 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 16.1 mag (Nov. 1, Thomas Lehmann). Fading slowly. It will be fainter than 18 mag in March. It stays extremely low in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   9 18.24  -40 19.6   3.692   3.787    87   16.6   2:56 (292, 68)  
Dec.  7   9  7.23  -41 26.4   3.647   3.834    93   16.6   2:53 (300, 75)  

* C/2023 R1 ( PanSTARRS )

Now it is 16.6 mag (Nov. 14, ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa). It stays 16 mag for a while. It will be unobservable in February in the Northern Hemisphere, or in December in the Southern Hemisphere. But it will be observable again in March in the Northern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  22 13.79   21  2.0   5.440   5.617    95   16.7  20:41 (134, 19)  
Dec.  7  22 12.03   20 13.7   5.514   5.573    88   16.7  20:49 (127, 13)  

* 276P/Vorobjov

Now it is 16.6 mag (Nov. 8, Ken-ichi Kadota). It stays 17 mag for a while. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   2 46.08    9 56.6   2.991   3.899   153   16.7  22:07 (180, 45)  
Dec.  7   2 43.43    9 30.8   3.044   3.899   145   16.7  21:37 (180, 45)  

* C/2020 K1 ( PanSTARRS )

It brightened up to 12.1 mag in 2023 spring (May 20, 2023, Jose Guilherme de S. Aguiar). Now it is 16.7 mag (Nov. 12, ATLAS South Africa). It stays 17 mag for a while. It stays extremely low in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   6 32.30  -41 36.1   5.598   6.010   110   16.8   1:57 (  0, 83)  
Dec.  7   6 26.06  -41 28.9   5.612   6.058   112   16.8   1:23 (  0, 83)  

* 32P/Comas Sola

It brightened up to 13.5 mag in last winter (Dec. 5, 2023, Chris Wyatt). Now it is 16.6 mag (Nov. 10, J. Nicolas, F. Kugel). It stays 17 mag for a while. It will be getting higher gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  13 26.09   -2 19.4   3.343   2.773    47   16.8   2:56 (271,  3)  
Dec.  7  13 35.17   -3 13.4   3.306   2.810    52   16.9   2:53 (270,  6)  

* C/2019 E3 ( ATLAS )

Very far object. Now it is 16.8 mag (Nov. 6, ATLAS Chile). It stays 17 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable now. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   1  1.35  -66 54.6  10.573  10.512    83   16.8  20:41 (  4, 58)  
Dec.  7   0 56.45  -66 11.3  10.635  10.519    80   16.9  20:49 ( 11, 58)  

* 154P/Brewington

It brightened up to 12.0 mag in June (June 13, Ken-ichi Kadota). Now it is 17.3 mag (Oct. 31, Hirohisa Sato). Fading gradually. It will be fainter than 18 mag in February. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   9 45.51   31 51.8   1.860   2.375   109   17.0   2:56 (209, 16)  
Dec.  7   9 46.19   31 59.3   1.828   2.425   115   17.0   2:53 (204, 18)  

* 242P/Spahr

Now it is 17.3 mag (Nov. 12, ATLAS Chile). It stays 17 mag for a while. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   4  0.87  -16 41.0   3.156   3.973   141   17.1  23:21 (180, 72)  
Dec.  7   3 57.12  -16 54.2   3.185   3.972   138   17.1  22:50 (180, 72)  

* 492P/2024 O3 ( LINEAR )

First return of a new periodic comet which brightened up to 15 mag in 2010. Now it is 18.7 mag (Nov. 4, Toshihiko Ikemura, Hirohisa Sato). Fading gradually. It will be fainter than 18 mag in February. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   9 41.93   29 20.2   1.722   2.250   109   17.3   2:56 (210, 19)  
Dec.  7   9 45.21   29 33.0   1.688   2.292   115   17.3   2:53 (205, 21)  

* (308607) 2005 WY3

Peculiar asteroid moving along a cometary orbit. It stays 17 mag for a while. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   3 38.40  -14 13.6   1.895   2.743   142   17.3  22:59 (180, 69)  
Dec.  7   3 33.21  -15  0.9   1.885   2.694   137   17.3  22:26 (180, 70)  

* 253P/PanSTARRS

Now it is 16.8 mag (Nov. 2, Toshihiko Ikemura, Hirohisa Sato). Fading gradually. It will be fainter than 18 mag in January. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   0 45.52   -2 35.0   1.357   2.050   121   17.3  20:41 (165, 56)  
Dec.  7   0 50.63   -1 49.4   1.431   2.059   115   17.5  20:49 (152, 53)  

* 49P/Arend-Rigaux

It will brighten up to 14 mag in 2025 spring. Now it is 17.3 mag (Nov. 21, Ken-ichi Kadota). Brightening gradually. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  23 40.69  -27  8.7   1.631   1.990    95   17.3  20:41 (104, 67)  
Dec.  7  23 45.98  -25 45.4   1.660   1.944    90   17.4  20:49 (100, 61)  

* C/2021 S4 ( Tsuchinshan )

Now it is 17.8 mag (Nov. 6, Toshihiko Ikemura, Hirohisa Sato). It stays 18 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It stays extremely low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   7 41.74   41  1.5   6.303   7.028   134   17.4   2:56 (182, 14)  
Dec.  7   7 40.19   41 15.6   6.251   7.042   140   17.4   2:37 (180, 14)  

* C/2022 U1 ( Leonard )

Now it is 17.4 mag (Nov. 7, ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala). It stays 18 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be getting lower gradually. But it will be getting higher again after January. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in March.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  19 10.91   17 54.0   5.152   4.684    56   17.5  20:41 (104,-12)  
Dec.  7  19 13.32   16 58.0   5.251   4.709    52   17.5  20:49 ( 98,-18)  

* C/2024 A2 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 17.9 mag (Nov. 11, ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala). Fading gradually. It will be fainter than 18 mag in December. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It stays extremely low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   4 30.71   40 43.1   2.154   3.103   160   17.6  23:50 (180, 14)  
Dec.  7   4  7.65   41 24.6   2.223   3.161   158   17.7  23:00 (180, 13)  

* 146P/Shoemaker-LINEAR

It brightened up to 14.4 mag in summer (Aug. 17, Hiroshi Abe). Now it is 17.7 mag (Nov. 23, Ken-ichi Kadota). It will fade out rapidly after this. It will be fainter than 18 mag in December. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It stays extremely low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   6  1.09   43 41.5   0.999   1.919   150   17.7   1:27 (180, 11)  
Dec.  7   5 49.75   45 29.6   1.031   1.967   154   18.0   0:48 (180, 10)  

* 195P/Hill

Now it is 17.4 mag (Nov. 4, ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa). It stays 18 mag for a while. It stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   6 59.25   -5 12.4   3.844   4.580   133   17.8   2:24 (180, 60)  
Dec.  7   6 56.25   -6  2.0   3.785   4.573   138   17.8   1:53 (180, 61)  

* 50P/Arend

Now it is 17.8 mag (Oct. 20, Ken-ichi Kadota). Fading slowly. It will be fainter than 18 mag in January. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  10 10.69   31 35.0   2.154   2.577   103   17.8   2:56 (214, 14)  
Dec.  7  10 13.47   31 41.0   2.105   2.613   110   17.8   2:53 (210, 16)  

* C/2023 U1 ( Fuls )

Now it is 18.0 mag (Nov. 10, ATLAS Chile). It stays 18 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will never be observable after this. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   5 17.05  -59 10.5   4.745   4.987    98   17.8   0:42 (  0, 66)  
Dec.  7   5  0.13  -59 56.5   4.767   4.991    97   17.9  23:51 (  0, 65)  

* C/2024 G2 ( ATLAS )

Now it is 17.9 mag (May 17, J. L. Virlichie, P. Traverse, H. Roy). It stays 18 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable now, but it will appear in December. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30  12 56.72  -47 18.0   6.140   5.540    48   17.9   2:56 (309, 30)  
Dec.  7  12 58.80  -47 29.6   6.066   5.527    52   17.8   2:53 (308, 34)  

* 117P/Helin-Roman-Alu 1

Now it is 17.8 mag (Nov. 1, Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station). Fading slowly. It will be fainter than 18 mag in December. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   3  2.10   15 48.2   3.629   4.567   159   17.8  22:23 (180, 39)  
Dec.  7   2 58.25   15 40.5   3.688   4.579   151   17.9  21:52 (180, 39)  

* (468861) 2013 LU28

Now it is 18.0 mag (Aug. 18, Taras Prystavski). It stays 18 mag for a while. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It stays extremely low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   7 45.73   37 44.8   8.078   8.792   134   18.0   2:56 (183, 17)  
Dec.  7   7 40.98   37 45.0   8.005   8.797   141   17.9   2:38 (180, 17)  

* P/2024 S2 ( Rankin )

Now it is 17.4 mag (Oct. 1, Martin Masek). Fading gradually. It will be fainter than 18 mag in December. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition. It locates somewhat low in the Southern Hemisphere.

Date(TT)  R.A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong.  m1   Best Time(A, h)  
Nov. 30   7  5.13   35  6.4   1.298   2.166   142   17.9   2:30 (180, 20)  
Dec.  7   7  2.77   35 33.6   1.281   2.187   149   17.9   2:00 (180, 19)  


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.