Class ControlPanel

Direct Known Subclasses:
AdditionalIdentificationControlPanel, BatchExaminationControlPanel, HtmlImageGalleryControlPanel, ImageConversionControlPanel, NewStarSearchControlPanel, PhotometryCalibrationControlPanel, RawDatabaseConstructionControlPanel, RecordSearchControlPanel, ReportBatchControlPanel

public class ControlPanel
extends javax.swing.JPanel
implements OperationObserver

The ControlPanel represents a control panel with four buttons: one is to set parameters, one is to start the operation, one is to stop the operation and one is to reset.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Inner Class Summary
protected  class ControlPanel.OperationProceedingThread
          The OperationProceedingThread is a thread to wait until the current operation ends and start the new operation.
protected  class ControlPanel.ResetListener
          The ResetListener is a listener class of menu selection to reset.
protected  class ControlPanel.SetListener
          The SetListener is a listener class of menu selection to set parameters.
protected  class ControlPanel.StartListener
          The StartListener is a listener class of menu selection to start the operation.
protected  class ControlPanel.StopListener
          The StopListener is a listener class of menu selection to stop the operation.
Inner classes inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel
Inner classes inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
javax.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent, javax.swing.JComponent.IntVector, javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardBinding, javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState
Inner classes inherited from class java.awt.Component
Field Summary
protected  javax.swing.JButton button_reset
protected  javax.swing.JButton button_set
protected  javax.swing.JButton button_start
protected  javax.swing.JButton button_stop
protected  boolean failed_message_flag
          True when to show the failed message.
protected  boolean interrupted_message_flag
          True when to show the interrupted message.
protected  ControlPanel.ResetListener listener_reset
          The listener to reset.
protected  ControlPanel.SetListener listener_set
          The listener to set parameters.
protected  ControlPanel.StartListener listener_start
          The listener to start the operation.
protected  ControlPanel.StopListener listener_stop
          The listener to stop parameters.
protected  javax.swing.JMenuItem[] menu_items
protected  int mode
          The mode.
          The mode number which indicates in operating phase.
static int MODE_SETTING
          The mode number which indicates in setting phase.
static int MODE_STOPPED
          The mode number which indicates in stopped phase.
protected  Operation operation
protected  java.awt.Container pane
          The content pane of this panel.
protected  boolean succeeded_message_flag
          True when to show the succeeded message.
protected  java.lang.Thread thread
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel
defaultLayout, uiClassID
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
_bounds, accessibleContext, alignmentX, alignmentY, ANCESTOR_USING_BUFFER, ancestorNotifier, autoscroller, border, changeSupport, clientProperties, flags, HAS_FOCUS, IS_DOUBLE_BUFFERED, IS_OPAQUE, IS_PAINTING_TILE, KEYBOARD_BINDINGS_KEY, listenerList, maximumSize, minimumSize, NEXT_FOCUS, paintImmediatelyClip, paintingChild, preferredSize, readObjectCallbacks, REQUEST_FOCUS_DISABLED, tmpRect, TOOL_TIP_TEXT_KEY, ui, uiClassID, UNDEFINED_CONDITION, vetoableChangeSupport, WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT, WHEN_FOCUSED, WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Container
component, containerListener, containerSerializedDataVersion, dispatcher, layoutMgr, maxSize, ncomponents, serialVersionUID
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
actionListenerK, adjustmentListenerK, appContext, assert, background, BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT, CENTER_ALIGNMENT, changeSupport, componentListener, componentListenerK, componentOrientation, componentSerializedDataVersion, containerListenerK, cursor, dropTarget, enabled, eventMask, focusListener, focusListenerK, font, foreground, hasFocus, height, incRate, inputMethodListener, inputMethodListenerK, isInc, isPacked, itemListenerK, keyListener, keyListenerK, LEFT_ALIGNMENT, locale, LOCK, minSize, mouseListener, mouseListenerK, mouseMotionListener, mouseMotionListenerK, name, nameExplicitlySet, newEventsOnly, ownedWindowK, parent, peer, peerFont, popups, prefSize, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT, serialVersionUID, textListenerK, TOP_ALIGNMENT, valid, visible, width, windowListenerK, x, y
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an ControlPanel.
ControlPanel(Operation operation)
          Constructs a ControlPanel.
Method Summary
 void actionPerformedReset(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
          Invoked when the reset button is pushed.
 void actionPerformedSet(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
          Invoked when the set button is pushed.
 void actionPerformedStart(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
          Invoked when the start button is pushed.
 void actionPerformedStop(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
          Invoked when the stop button is pushed.
 int getCurrentMode()
 javax.swing.JMenuItem[] getMenuItems()
 java.lang.String getResetButtonTitle()
          Gets the button title to reset.
 java.awt.event.ActionListener getResetListener()
          Gets the listener to reset.
 java.lang.String getSetButtonTitle()
          Gets the button title to set parameters.
 java.awt.event.ActionListener getSetListener()
          Gets the listener to set parameters.
 java.lang.String getStartButtonTitle()
          Gets the button title to start the operation.
 java.awt.event.ActionListener getStartListener()
          Gets the listener to start the operation.
 java.lang.String getStopButtonTitle()
          Gets the button title to stop the operation.
 java.awt.event.ActionListener getStopListener()
          Gets the listener to stop the operation.
 void notifyEnd(java.lang.Exception exception)
          Invoked when the operation ends.
 void notifyFailed(java.lang.Object arg)
          Invoked when a task is failed.
 void notifyStart()
          Invoked when the operation starts.
 void notifySucceeded(java.lang.Object arg)
          Invoked when a task is succeeded.
 void notifyWarned(java.lang.Object arg)
          Invoked when a task is warned.
 void proceedOperation()
          Starts the operation.
 void proceedOperation(Operation new_operation)
          Starts the specified operation.
 void setFailedMessageEnabled(boolean flag)
          Enables/disables to show the failed message.
 void setInterruptedMessageEnabled(boolean flag)
          Enables/disables to show the interrupted message.
 void setOperation(Operation operation)
          Sets the operation.
 void setSucceededMessageEnabled(boolean flag)
          Enables/disables to show the succeeded message.
 boolean start()
          Starts the operation.
private  void updateButtons()
          Updates the enable/disable status of buttons based on the current mode.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel
, getAccessibleContext, getUIClassID, paramString, updateUI, writeObject
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
_paintImmediately, addAncestorListener, addNotify, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, adjustPaintFlags, alwaysOnTop, bindingForKeyStroke, checkIfChildObscuredBySibling, computeVisibleRect, computeVisibleRect, contains, createToolTip, enableSerialization, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getActionForKeyStroke, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getAutoscrolls, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperties, getClientProperty, getComponentGraphics, getConditionForKeyStroke, getDebugGraphicsOptions, getFlag, getGraphics, getHeight, getInsets, getInsets, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getNextFocusableComponent, getPreferredSize, getRegisteredKeyStrokes, getRootPane, getSize, getToolTipLocation, getToolTipText, getToolTipText, getTopLevelAncestor, getVisibleRect, getWidth, getX, getY, grabFocus, hasFocus, isDoubleBuffered, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversable, isLightweightComponent, isManagingFocus, isOpaque, isOptimizedDrawingEnabled, isPaintingTile, isRequestFocusEnabled, isValidateRoot, keyboardBindings, paint, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintComponent, paintImmediately, paintImmediately, paintWithBuffer, processComponentKeyEvent, processFocusEvent, processKeyBinding, processKeyBindings, processKeyBindingsForAllComponents, processKeyEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, putClientProperty, readObject, rectangleIsObscured, rectangleIsObscuredBySibling, registerKeyboardAction, registerKeyboardAction, registerWithKeyboardManager, removeAncestorListener, removeNotify, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, repaint, repaint, requestDefaultFocus, requestFocus, resetKeyboardActions, reshape, revalidate, scrollRectToVisible, setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, setAutoscrolls, setBackground, setBorder, setDebugGraphicsOptions, setDoubleBuffered, setEnabled, setFlag, setFont, setForeground, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setNextFocusableComponent, setOpaque, setPaintingChild, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setToolTipText, setUI, setVisible, shouldDebugGraphics, superProcessMouseMotionEvent, unregisterKeyboardAction, unregisterWithKeyboardManager, update
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addImpl, applyOrientation, countComponents, deliverEvent, dispatchEventImpl, dispatchEventToSelf, doLayout, eventEnabled, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents_NoClientCode, getComponents, getCursorTarget, getLayout, getMouseEventTarget, getWindow, initIDs, insets, invalidate, invalidateTree, isAncestorOf, layout, lightweightPrint, list, list, locate, minimumSize, nextFocus, paintComponents, postProcessKeyEvent, postsOldMouseEvents, preferredSize, preProcessKeyEvent, print, printComponents, printOneComponent, processContainerEvent, processEvent, proxyEnableEvents, proxyRequestFocus, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, setCursor, setFocusOwner, setLayout, transferFocus, updateCursor, validate, validateTree
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, areInputMethodsEnabled, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, constructComponentName, contains, createImage, createImage, disable, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, getBackground, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFont_NoClientCode, getFont, getFontMetrics, getForeground, getInputContext, getInputMethodRequests, getIntrinsicCursor, getLocale, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getName, getNativeContainer, getParent_NoClientCode, getParent, getPeer, getSize, getToolkit, getToolkitImpl, getTreeLock, getWindowForObject, gotFocus, handleEvent, hide, imageUpdate, inside, isDisplayable, isEnabled, isEnabledImpl, isLightweight, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, printAll, processComponentEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processMouseEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, resize, resize, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setDropTarget, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setSize, setSize, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.Thread thread


protected Operation operation


protected int mode
The mode.


public static final int MODE_SETTING
The mode number which indicates in setting phase.


public static final int MODE_OPERATING
The mode number which indicates in operating phase.


public static final int MODE_STOPPED
The mode number which indicates in stopped phase.


protected java.awt.Container pane
The content pane of this panel.


protected javax.swing.JButton button_set


protected javax.swing.JButton button_start


protected javax.swing.JButton button_stop


protected javax.swing.JButton button_reset


protected javax.swing.JMenuItem[] menu_items


protected ControlPanel.SetListener listener_set
The listener to set parameters.


protected ControlPanel.StartListener listener_start
The listener to start the operation.


protected ControlPanel.StopListener listener_stop
The listener to stop parameters.


protected ControlPanel.ResetListener listener_reset
The listener to reset.


protected boolean succeeded_message_flag
True when to show the succeeded message.


protected boolean interrupted_message_flag
True when to show the interrupted message.


protected boolean failed_message_flag
True when to show the failed message.
Constructor Detail


public ControlPanel()
Constructs an ControlPanel.


public ControlPanel(Operation operation)
Constructs a ControlPanel.
operation - the operation.
Method Detail


public void setOperation(Operation operation)
Sets the operation.
operation - the operation.


public boolean start()
Starts the operation.
truen when the operation is successfully started.


public void proceedOperation()
Starts the operation. When the current operation is still running, here waits until it ends.


public void proceedOperation(Operation new_operation)
Starts the specified operation. When the current operation is still running, here waits until it ends.
new_operation - the new operation to start.


public void notifyStart()
Invoked when the operation starts.
Specified by:
notifyStart in interface OperationObserver


public void notifyEnd(java.lang.Exception exception)
Invoked when the operation ends.
Specified by:
notifyEnd in interface OperationObserver
exception - the exception if an error occurs, or null if succeeded.


public void notifySucceeded(java.lang.Object arg)
Invoked when a task is succeeded.
Specified by:
notifySucceeded in interface OperationObserver
arg - the argument.


public void notifyFailed(java.lang.Object arg)
Invoked when a task is failed.
Specified by:
notifyFailed in interface OperationObserver
arg - the argument.


public void notifyWarned(java.lang.Object arg)
Invoked when a task is warned.
Specified by:
notifyWarned in interface OperationObserver
arg - the argument.


public void setSucceededMessageEnabled(boolean flag)
Enables/disables to show the succeeded message.
flag - true when to show the message.


public void setInterruptedMessageEnabled(boolean flag)
Enables/disables to show the interrupted message.
flag - true when to show the message.


public void setFailedMessageEnabled(boolean flag)
Enables/disables to show the failed message.
flag - true when to show the message.


private void updateButtons()
Updates the enable/disable status of buttons based on the current mode.


public int getCurrentMode()


public javax.swing.JMenuItem[] getMenuItems()


public java.lang.String getSetButtonTitle()
Gets the button title to set parameters. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
the button title to set parameters.


public java.lang.String getStartButtonTitle()
Gets the button title to start the operation. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
the button title to start the operation.


public java.lang.String getStopButtonTitle()
Gets the button title to stop the operation. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
the button title to stop the operation.


public java.lang.String getResetButtonTitle()
Gets the button title to reset. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
the button title to reset.


public java.awt.event.ActionListener getSetListener()
Gets the listener to set parameters.
the listener to set parameters.


public java.awt.event.ActionListener getStartListener()
Gets the listener to start the operation.
the listener to start the operation.


public java.awt.event.ActionListener getStopListener()
Gets the listener to stop the operation.
the listener to stop the operation.


public java.awt.event.ActionListener getResetListener()
Gets the listener to reset.
the listener to reset.


public void actionPerformedSet(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
Invoked when the set button is pushed. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
e - contains the selected menu item.


public void actionPerformedStart(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
Invoked when the start button is pushed. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
e - contains the selected menu item.


public void actionPerformedStop(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
Invoked when the stop button is pushed. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
e - contains the selected menu item.


public void actionPerformedReset(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
Invoked when the reset button is pushed. This must be overrided in the subclasses.
e - contains the selected menu item.