Package net.aerith.misao.gui.dialog

Class Summary
AnimationDialog The AnimationDialog represents a dialog to set the parameters for animation.
AstrometryCatalogSettingDialog The AstrometryCatalogSettingDialog represents a dialog to select the method of astrometry and the reference catalog.
CatalogSelectionDialog The CatalogSelectionDialog represents a dialog to select some of the catalogs from the specified list.
CommonFileChooser The CommonFileChooser represents a file chooser dialog which keeps the current directory.
ConfigureDefaultCatalogPathDialog The ConfigureDefaultCatalogPathDialog represents a dialog to set the default path to read the catalog.
DesignationDialog The DesignationDialog represents a dialog to input the designation of an asteroid, comet or satellite.
Dialog The Dialog represents a dialog.
FileCopyDialog The FileCopyDialog represents a dialog to set the directory to copy files from.
FilterSizeDialog The FilterSizeDialog represents a dialog to intput the filter size.
HtmlImageGallerySettingDialog The HtmlImageGallerySettingDialog represents a dialog to configure how to put the images on the gallery.
IdentificationSettingDialog The IdentificationSettingDialog represents a dialog to set up parameters for identification.
ImageConfigurationDialog The ImageConfigurationDialog represents a dialog to configure the image configuration.
ImageDateDialog The ImageDateDialog represents a dialog to input the image exposure date and time.
ImageFileChooser The ImageFileChooser represents a file chooser dialog to open/save an image file.
ImageFileOpenChooser The ImageFileOpenChooser represents a file chooser dialog to open an image file.
ImageFileSaveChooser The ImageFileSaveChooser represents a file chooser dialog to save an image file.
ImageGallerySettingDialog The ImageGallerySettingDialog represents a dialog to set the image size, scale, and rotation.
InformationDBUpdateSettingDialog The InformationDBUpdateSettingDialog represents a dialog to set up parameters to update XML report documents in the database.
JaxpNotFoundDialog The JaxpNotFoundDialog represents a dialog to show the error message which implies the jaxp.jar or parser.jar are not found.
JimiNotFoundDialog The JimiNotFoundDialog represents a dialog to show the error message which implies the JIMI is not installed.
LevelAdjustmentDialog The LevelAdjustmentDialog represents a dialog to ajudst image level to view.
MagnitudeSystemCodeDialog The MagnitudeSystemCodeDialog represents a dialog to intput the magnitude system code.
MagnitudeSystemSettingDialog The MagnitudeSystemSettingDialog represents a dialog to configure the magnitude system definition to plot stars.
MeridianImageTransformFilterSettingDialog The MeridianImageTransformFilterSettingDialog represents a dialog to set the parameters for the image processing filter to transform a meridian image.
MessagesDialog The MessagesDialog represents a dialog with string messages and a button to save the messages.
MpcFormatSettingDialog The MpcFormatSettingDialog represents a dialog to set up parameters to make an astrometric report in the MPC format.
OpenCatalogDialog The OpenCatalogDialog represents a dialog to open a catalog file or directory.
OpenChartCatalogDialog The OpenChartCatalogDialog represents a dialog to open a catalog file or directory for star chart.
OpenIdentificationCatalogDialog The OpenIdentificationCatalogDialog represents a dialog to open a catalog file or directory for identification.
ParameterDialog The ParameterDialog represents a dialog to intput the string parameter.
PhotometryCatalogSettingDialog The PhotometryCatalogSettingDialog represents a dialog to select the method of photometry and the reference catalog.
PhotometryOperationSettingDialog The PhotometryOperationSettingDialog represents a dialog to set parameters for photometry operation.
UserStarDialog The UserStarDialog represents a dialog to set the name, R.A.
ValidAreaSettingDialog The ValidAreaSettingDialog represents a dialog to specify the valid area on the image.
VsnetReportSettingDialog The VsnetReportSettingDialog represents a dialog to set up parameters to make a report of magnitude to VSNET or VSOLJ.
XmlReportQueryConditionDialog The XmlReportQueryConditionDialog represents a dialog to set up a query conditions to select XML report documents.