Package net.aerith.misao.pixy.pairing

Class Summary
BrightnessBasedPairMaker The BrightnessBasedPairMaker is a class to make pairs among two lists of stars.
DefaultPairMaker The DefaultPairMaker is a class to make pairs among two lists of stars.
ExperiencedPairRefiner The ExperiencedPairRefiner is a class to refine the specified list of pairs at the very last step of the examination of an image with star catalog.
PairingOperator The PairingOperator is a class to operate pairing process.
PositionBasedPairMaker The PositionBasedPairMaker is a class to make pairs among two lists of stars.
ProgressivePairMaker The ProgressivePairMaker is a class to make pairs among two lists of stars progressively.
SimilarityBasedPairMaker The SimilarityBasedPairMaker is a class to make pairs among two lists of stars.
StarImageRadiusBasedPairMaker The StarImageRadiusBasedPairMaker is a class to make pairs among two lists of stars.
SupplementaryPairMaker The SupplementaryPairMaker is a class to make pairs between the single (not paired) stars among two lists of stars.