Package net.aerith.misao.toolkit.VariableStarSearch

Class Summary
GroupInternalFrame The GroupInternalFrame represents a frame to show XML report documents classified into some groups to search variable stars.
GroupTable The GroupTable represents a table where the XML report documents are added and classified into some groups to search variable stars.
VariableStarSearchControlPanel The VariableStarSearchControlPanel represents a control panel to search variable stars.
VariableStarSearchDesktop The VariableStarSearchDesktop represents a desktop to search variable stars.
VariableStarSearchInternalFrame The VariableStarSearchInternalFrame represents a frame to select XML report documents to search variable stars.
VariableStarSearchSettingDialog The VariableStarSearchSettingDialog represents a dialog to set up parameters to search variable stars.
VariableStarSearchTable The VariableStarSearchTable represents a table where the XML report documents are added to search variable stars.