Japanese version Home Page Updated on March 18, 2017
Users' SitesThis page introduces the users of the PIXY System 2 or the instances where the PIXY System 2 is used. Software Products of AstroArts Inc.The library package of the PIXY System 2 written in C++ language is used in the software products of AstroArts Inc.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) team discovered 20-21 mag new asteroids using the StellaHunter Professional.
Pointing a telescope mounted in a NASA aircraftAt the NASA Stratospheric Observatory for FarInfrared Astronomy (SOFIA), the PIXY System 2 is used for pointing a 2.5m telescope mounted in a Boeing 747-SP aircraft. Because the source codes of the PIXY System 2 are open, Bob Loewenstein modified the codes for their system. SOFIA - Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Catalog support for OpenCoeliOpenCoeli, a free open source software for amateur astronomers, uses the PIXY System 2 library to support over 50 different catalogues. OpenCoeli Meteor trails image processing in CroatiaHrvatska Meteorska Mreza (Croatian Meteor Network) uses the PIXY System 2 to provide the plate parameters in meteor trails image processing. Hrvatska Meteorska Mreza Confirmation of comet BradfieldWilliam A. Bradfield, Australia, discovered a new 8-mag comet on Mar. 23, 2004. The comet located extremely low in the evening sky nearby the horizon, so nobody could confirm it for about two weeks. It was recovered visually on Apr. 8 and 9, then Terry Lovejoy succeeded to take some CCD images of it on Apr. 11 and 12, and the comet was finally announced as C/2004 F4 (Bradfield). The comet was already as bright as 3 mag at that time. It became too close to the Sun in mid April. Therefore, only one person in the world, Terry Lovejoy, could succeed to take the photos of the comet before the perihelion passage. In order to calculate the orbit and announce the discovery, it was required to measure the positions of the comet from Lovejoy's images as soon as possible. Lovejoy measured the positions of a comet hardly visible nearby the horizon in the evening glow using the PIXY System 2, and reported to the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams. The discovery of the comet Bradfield and Lovejoy's astrometry were announced in IAUC 8319. COMET C/2004 F4 (BRADFIELD) Lovejoy's photo of comet Bradfield is found at the following web page. G A R Y W. K R O N K ' S C O M E T O G R A P H Y Astrometry of faint satelliteRainer Kracht measured positions of a faint satellite GEO331 from his images with 75mm f/1.3 camera lens taken on Mar. 12, 2003. GEO331 videoobs Image processing at Tomoyuki Itou's libraryTomoyuki Itou's library at: http://www.kcv.ne.jp/~totomo/tosyokan/ provides images of night sky in real time, photographed automatically every night. The images available at the library are opened to the public after removing lattice patterns using the API of the PIXY System 2. Recent Images of Comets and Novae in ASAS-3The PIXY System 2 has a framework of plug-in agents, which supports to append original extension to the PIXY System 2. The following web pages at Seiichi Yoshida's Home Page: provide latest images of comets and novae from the survey images of the ASAS (All Sky Automated Survey). These pages are maintained using a plug-in agent of the PIXY System 2, to search comets and novae among the ASAS survey images and download those images automatically, and to update the web page semi-automatically. |