
36P/Whipple (2003)

English version
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Updated on August 6, 2016


・ プロフィール

・ 写真集

・ 軌道要素

   The following improved orbital elements by Kenji Muraoka, are
  from 220 observations  1933 to 2000, including 9 Planets, Moon
  and 5 minor planets perturbations and non-gravitational effect
  of style II.     The mean residual is +/- 0.91 arc seconds.

      Epoch  =  2003 July 20.0  TT       JDT = 2452840.5
          T  =  2003 July  6.65184       +/- 0.00065 (m.e.) TT
       Peri. =  202.21301                +/- 0.00016
       Node  =  182.39909                +/- 0.00010   (2000.0)
       Incl. =    9.93291                +/- 0.00002
          q  =    3.0882616              +/- 0.0000006 AU
          e  =    0.2590415              +/- 0.0000001
          a  =    4.1679279              +/- 0.0000003 AU
          n  =    0.11583073             +/- 0.00000001
          P  =    8.509                  +/- 0.0000008  years
         A1  =   +0.343                  +/- 0.017
         A2  =   -0.05246                +/- 0.00045

・ 星図

・ 光度変化

        m1 = 8.0 + 5 logΔ + 17.0 log r


星図は StellaNavigator Ver.2.0 for Windows (アストロアーツ 編著 / アスキー出版局刊) で作成したものです。
光度グラフはComet for Windowsで作成したものです。


Copyright(C) Seiichi Yoshida (comet@aerith.net). All rights reserved.