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    Past Image Checker    

It checks if a star is within the field of past images. The magnitude database has to be constructed in advance, following the steps described in the Magnitude Database Construction.

o Execution

You must set the property misao.home as the MISAO home directory's path, using -D option of java command. Here let's see the MISAO home directory as C:\misao for example. When using Windows95, open DOS Prompt and type:
    java -Dmisao.home=C:\misao misao.app.PastImageChecker
If JRE(Java Runtime Environment) is installed, the directory where the package is unpacked must be set by an option -cp (the example is in case the package is unpacked at C:\).
    java -Dmisao.home=C:\misao -cp C:\ misao.app.PastImageChecker
After running the program, the following messages are output, so select one menu.
Output (x,y) of the star on the past images.
  1. Star
  2. Comet
  3. Asteroid
Then input the area size to search following the message below.
Area shift: 
If you would like to search data only within images, input 0. If you would like to also search data out of images but near by them, within twice of the image size, for example, input 2.
  1. Star

    The following messages are output, so input the pair of R.A. and Decl.

    Output (x,y) of the star on the past images.
    Positions (J2000.0): 
      ex. R.A.= 12h 4m31.2s  Decl.= - 0o15'
      acceptable style: 12 4 31.2 -0 15 0
    Positions (J2000.0): 

  2. Comet

    Input the orbital elements one by one following the messages.

    Orbital elements: 
      T   : 
      ex. 1998 Jan. 31.12345
      acceptable style: 1998 Jan 31.12345
                        1998 1 31.12345
      T   : 
      i   : 
      q   : 
      e   : 

  3. Asteroid

    Input the orbital elements one by one following the messages.

    Orbital elements: 
      ex. 1998 Jan. 31.12345
      acceptable style: 1998 Jan 31.12345
                        1998 1 31.12345
      M    : 
      Peri : 
      Node : 
      i    : 
      a    : 
      e    : 

Continuously, input the limiting magnitude following the message:
Limiting mag: 
Then the (x,y) positions are output on the past images which the star is within the field of and whose limiting magnitude is fainter than the input value. In case of comets and asteroids, R.A. and Decl. at the time of the image exposure are also output. When the PXF file exists, it searches data around the (x,y) position, and outputs them if found.
(x,y)               Lm.   Image
( 439.46,  248.22)  12.3  19990220/180mm/1800-2200-none-01.mtf

When the Area shift is greater than 0, the data is output when the star is out of the image but within the range, too. In this case, the shift from the image edges by the image size are output.

(x,y)               Lm.   Image
[   1.0 ,   -1.4 ]  12.8  19990129/NovaSgr1998-300-none-02.mtf

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